

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter 16 Learning Targets

  That funny hat is called a Tam, after the word Tam-O-Shanter which also coincidentally was the road he used to live on!!! WEIRD...become a doctor like my Brother-in-law here and you just may get to wear one of these Tudor caps...just like Henry VIII! (below)


Tuesday- Scientific Revolution notes and Mersville Debate pre-work
Wednesday-  Debrief of group work and Reformation & Scientific Revolution Notes
Thursday- Reformation & Scientific Revolution Notes
Friday- Chapter 16 Reading Quiz

Learning Targets Chapter 16

Quote of the day-  "No man is poor who has a Godly mother."  -Abraham Lincoln

 Martin Luther Rap
Martin Luther Rap (above)

 Diet of Worms
Luther's Diet of Worms

Quote of the day-  "If I have seen further than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."  -Isaac Newton

 Galileo Discovery
Galileo's Moment of Discovery!!

Theoretical Physics Rocks and Dr. Michio Kaku is the man!

Quote of the day-  "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."  -Voltaire


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan. 22nd-Jan. 24th

Week of January 20th to the 24th...

It seems appropriate that when we are studying perhaps the most atrocious period of human history in terms of injustice towards our fellow man (and fellow woman Lesley)...we are allowed a day of reflection to celebrate those that fought for social equality; whether it be those of varying race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, faith or class.  Please take a moment to reflect upon those, like Martin Luther King Jr., who stood up to tyranny no matter the consequences.  Do your part on Monday to stand up to injustice...just know that MLK Jr. went to jail 30 times in realization of his DREAM!!!
 Dream Speech
 Cesar Chavez
 First Television Interview Gandhi
 Mandela Harvard Speech
 WIlliam and Mary Commencement
 Stephen Colbert Speech Northwestern